Arizona Cove

Arizona Cove – All around great diving here.

Location:  Black Canyon on the Arizona side, right near the buoy line.

GPS Coordinates:  36° 1.131’N, 114° 43.697’W (approximate)

Elevation:  Great diving from the surface down to the canyon floor.  Max depth is 500ft+

Depth:   Deep as you want!  See Lake Mead Water Elevation to compute target depth based on current lake water elevation

Arizona Cove – All around great diving here.

Arizona Cove is a great little cove that lets you enjoy Black Canyon without the creepy depths right below you like over in Kraken Cove.

Arizona and Nevada are divided down the middle of the lake by the path the Colorado River used to take before Hoover Dam was built. When you dive in Arizona Cove, you’re actually diving in Arizona. That’s cool!

You can follow the terrain around the cove, and follow the cove floor down and stay at a comfortable depth. This is a great place for new divers. Lots of different textures and rock formations to look at. Like Kracken Cove, this is a great place to find lost sandals, sunglasses, and fishing poles. 

Located far below Arizona Cove is the wreck, Purgatory.