Wreck Alley

Location: Boulder Basin, South East corner of Sentinel Island

GPS Coordinates:  36° 3.464’N, 114° 44.571’W (approximate)

Elevation:  Moorings in this area are 1040′ +/- and wrecks vary from 1050′ down to 800′.

Depth:   The Bloody Baron sits at about 30 feet, with the bulk of the wrecks at about 120 feet.  See Lake Mead Water Elevation to compute depth based on current lake water elevation

Wreck Alley.  9+ wrecks all in pretty tight grouping.

This can either be a technical dive down the to the 9+ wrecks, or an awesome sheer wall recreational dive.

The moorings come and go in this area, so you may have to hunt around or anchor to shore.

Lots of cave line to follow and plenty to see   Please watch your air!

We posted a hand drawn map in our photo gallery below of Wreck Alley that we made back around 2010 for a divemaster project.   This map is not to scale and doesn’t show all of the wrecks, but gives you a general lay of the land.