The Californian

Location:  Nevada side of Black Canyon near Hoover Dam

GPS Coordinates:  36° 1.634’N, 114° 43.612’W (approximate)

Elevation:  930′

Depth:   Approximately 145 feet.  See Lake Mead Water Elevation to compute depth based on current lake water elevation

Deep in Black Canyon lies the wreck of The Californian.

The Californian is a 60 year old speed boat with an outboard engine. Although this spot is just 400 yards from Kraken Cove, it’s just not quite as spooky. Bring a light, as you should on any dive in Black Canyon, because at this depth, it’s quite dark. Watch your gas and keep an eye on your PO2.

Tie off your boat near the coordinates provided, and follow the rock slide in the “V” down to the wreck.

The Californian is sitting upright with the bow facing SE. Like everything in Lake Mead, it’s beautifully preserved. Special treats include the California registration sticker dated 1969-1971 and functional steering wheel.

2023 update:   Well, this is my first dive to the Calornian in over 12 years, and I’m sorry to say it’s not that great to see anymore.  The wreck itself is almost completely covered with silt, so you’re unable to see how cool the inside deck of the boat and vintage outboard engine.   The vessel registration sticker on the side of the boat is unreadable now, so it’s a real bummer.  Oh well,  It was great in the early 2000s.  Now not so much.  Dive safe!